Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Field Footprint

You probably heard about Field Trip, one of the most famous free app available in AppExchange, this tool able to analyze fields population, this is very useful when you are doing field clean-up or to get data completeness. However, Field Trip has not updated since Jun 2015.

Field Footprint is kind of similar to Field Trip, but with additional features, such as checking record type, field usage in Validation rules, Workflow rules, Workflow Field Updates, and Reports.

On top of that, one thing I notice from this tool compare to Field Trip, when running a Field Trip to analyze an object with 134K of data, Field Trip required 75 minutes, while running Field Footprint analyze to the same of dataset, Field Footprint only need 25 minutes, so the performance is 3x better.

Once complete, you will see the result in the Footprint Detail page, or open Footprint results in a report.

With this tool, you also can check fields usage per record type, click the record type name in the main analysis page, it will tell you how many records for that record type and the population for each field.

Type: Managed Package; AppExchange; Private Listing

Paid/Free: free

Publisher: Salesforce Labs


Version: 2.8.33

Blog last update: 13 September 2018

Etherios EasyDescribe - Free MetaData Viewer/Extractor

EasyDescribe is a free tool to view and extract "object" metadata details. Don't waste time clicking through multiple screens to lookup record types, field types, picklists, and other metadata. EasyDescribe it and get everything at once!

Once the app installed, select EasyDescribe tab and select an object you would like to extract. You can turn on or off items you would like to extract, from fields, child relationship, and record type.

Type: Managed Package; AppExchange; Private Listing

Paid/Free: free

Publisher: West Monroe Partners


Version: 1.91

Blog last update: 12 September 2018